Be a part of the change with ISP Africa.
ISP Africa is on a mission to develop and transform the African plantation industry.
About Us
Supporting the African Plantation Industry
The Incorporated Society of Planters in Africa was established for the development and advancement of the professional interests of those involved directly and indirectly with the plantation industry.

Collaboration, Innovation, Sustainability
Ushering in a New Era for Sustainable Agriculture
The Incorporated Society of Planters is technically a professional body incorporated on 8th October 1919 A company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital under the Companies Act. The launch of ISP Africa in May 2024 commenced a new era of collaboration, innovation, and sustainable practices within the agricultural sector. Which will help to:
Foster networking opportunities among Agricultural Experts, Industry Stakeholders, Policymakers and Researchers.
Address key challenges and opportunities in the African Agricultural Sector.
Highlight and create needed awareness for Sustainable and Innovative Agricultural Practices.
Promote knowledge exchange and capacity building among planters across Africa
Be the Impact
ISP Africa brings together the continent's brightest minds in the plantation industry, fostering a collaborative environment where expertise flourishes. By uniting these professionals, ISP Africa empowers them to share knowledge, innovate, and drive sustainable growth for African agriculture.
What We Aim To Achieve
The society’s primary objectives as laid down in its Memorandum of Association are as follows:
To promote the advancement and facilitate the requisition of that knowledge which constitutes the professional qualification of planter.
To promote the general interests of the planting profession.
To watch over, promote and protect the mutual and individual interests of its members in respect of matters pertaining to or arising from their employment in the planting profession.
To promote and maintain good feeling, co-operation and understanding between members and their employers.
To ascertain and recommend fair and reasonable terms and conditions of service for Planters.
To advise, recommend, liaise, mediate and otherwise to be concerned in or with relations between and matters of mutual interest to members and employers.
To assist members and prospective members to obtain employment.
To afford to members and other facilities for co-operation in all matters affecting the interests of Planters and, in particular, to promote or propose legislative measures affecting or likely to affect members, to communicate and consult with public authorities and with kindred bodies on all matters affecting the interests of members and to co-operate with other persons and bodies in all.
To further, undertake, superintend and/or administer such matters charitable or benevolent institutions or undertakings.
To establish, print, publish and distribute and/or participate in the business of printing and publishing a newspaper or newspapers, journals, books, pamphlets or publications in the interests of Planters and the professional, cultural and social interests of members.
To improve the technical knowledge of members and with a view thereto to provide for the delivery of lectures and the holding of classes and examinations and the granting of certificates, diplomas and scholarships, and to promote, encourage and participate in the technical training of Planters.
The ISP Africa Launch Event
ISP recently marked a significant milestone with the launch of its regional chapter dedicated to Africa. This momentous occasion not only signified the establishment of a dedicated platform for planters in the African continent but also heralded a new era of collaboration, innovation, and sustainable practices within the agricultural sector.
Short Heading for Testimonials Section
"We will write a hypothetical testimonial from a satisfied customer. You can replace this with actual testimonials from your clients. Testimonials are a great way to inspire potential customers to trust you."
– Testimonial Author Name
"We will write a hypothetical testimonial from a satisfied customer. You can replace this with actual testimonials from your clients. Testimonials are a great way to inspire potential customers to trust you."
– Testimonial Author Name
"We will write a hypothetical testimonial from a satisfied customer. You can replace this with actual testimonials from your clients. Testimonials are a great way to inspire potential customers to trust you."
– Testimonial Author Name
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